Sports Information 2024-2025

 Every student that wants to participate in a sport for the upcoming school year must meet certain requirements: a current sports physical and one parent must complete the PLACT (play like a champion) course. We have a PLACT training course scheduled at our school for August 22nd at 6:30 pm.

The charge for the course is $15. A student cannot compete without this. We need any parent who is going to attend the training to rsvp. Unfortunately, the ACC has changed the physical form that all athletes must have to participate in a sport this school year. I know that many of you have gotten physicals during the summer, but we were unaware of the new physical when we sent the end of the year packets home. We will also be charging the sports fee (includes uniforms, officials, equipment, etc.).

We will send out information as each sport approaches. If any parent or family member is interested in coaching or assisting, please let me know as there is a specific training required. Please email me at [email protected] to verify attendance at the PLACT or if you have any questions. Thank You, Mrs. Gaetan  

New physical and all supplementary forms:   

Todo estudiante que quiera participar en un deporte para el proximo curso escolar debe cumplir con ciertos requisitos: un examen fisico deportivo vigente y uno de los padres debe completar el curso PLACT (jugar como un campeon). Tenemos programado un curso de formacion PLACT en nuestra escuela para el dia 22 de agosto a las 6:30pm.

El costo del curso es de $15. Un estudiante no puede competir sin esto. Necesitamos que cualquier padre que vaya a asistir a la capacitacion confirme su asistencia. Desafortunadamente, la ACC ha cambiado la forma fisica que deben tener todos los atletas para participar en un deporte este curso escolar. Se que muchos de ustedes se han hecho examenes fisicos durante el verano, pero no estabamos al tanto del nuevo examen fisico cuando enviamos los paquetes de fin de curso a casa. Todos los formularios complementarios están arriba y enviar por correo electronico. Tambien estaremos cobrando la tarifa deportiva (incluye uniformes, oficiales, equipamiento, etc.).

Si algun padre o miembro de la familia esta interesado en entrenar o ayudar, hagamelo saber, ya que se requiere una capacitacion especifica. Envieme un correo electronico a [email protected] para verificar la asistencia al PLACT o si tiene alguna pregunta. Gracias, Sra. Gaetan